Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Water Test: Mud/Glass Bottle Wall

Video Recording of 5 minute Water test on Bottle wall with Mud binding:
(can be viewed full screen by clicking the bottom right corner icon while video is playing) 

The water test findings:

The structure held up to the water test. The mud remained in tact and there were no signs of disintegration after testing the wall a few minutes after the water test.

There was some water behind the window pane which came in under the sill. We know from the test that we should have put a flashing behind the mud before it was packed up against the bottom of the window pane and a mud sill built up against the back of the window pane to keep the flashing in position. This would have prevented water from entering underneath the window pane.

The roof worked well to direct water away from the mud wall face.

The lime and manure did well to bind and harden the mud wall and improve it's water resistance ability.

Below is a short video showing the condition of the wall a few minutes after the water test:

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