Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Properties of a mud (adobe) wall that make it suitable for wall construction

The mud wall is a mixture of soil, water, lime, hay and cow manure. Mud walls that are air dried have an approximate life span of 30 years before they crumble and require repair/replacement. Cow manure is added to the mud wall mixture for added strength and waterproofing. It is important to use a soil mixture that has few rocks and to compact the mixture as it is built up to remove air bubbles. Rocks and air bubbles will cause the mud wall to crack and break. The thermal mass created by a mud brick wall absorbs solar energy during the day and release it slowly at night. Ideally, mud bricks that have been kiln dried would be used to increase the longevity of the built wall.

Mud (adobe) walls have a low embodied energy with most energy involved in their formation coming from physical labour and the sun (air dried). The components in mud walls are also returned to the earth over years of exposure to rain. Mud walls have good fire resistance and sound insulation but are not good thermal insulators. They lack good thermal insulation properties because they are so densely packed so they do not trap air within the walls, thereby not restricting the transfer of heat between the external and internal environments.

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